LATCH AGM 2019 – Chair and General Manager Update


Annual General Meeting September 27th 2019

Message from the Chair

On behalf of the Trustees and the management team, may I take this opportunity to thank all supporters, our network of medical and fiscal professionals and our LATCH ambassadors for attending the annual general meeting at Miskin Manor on Friday evening. The meeting was chaired expertly by our President, Philip Price, whose personal experience and knowledge of LATCH have been invaluable to me, as I take up my role as chair. I would also like to thank Stephen Price for organising the event so efficiently in such a pleasant location.

Glowing tributes were made to Paul Wilkins, Ian Rogers and Denise Henderson for their considerable service and commitment as members of our LATCH community and we wish them an enjoyable retirement.

It was very encouraging to receive reports from our auditors and from our investment manager of our sound financial position. Both reports were complimented by the comprehensive financial statement of the accounts for 2018, details of which we presented effectively by Janet Thomas our new Finance administrator.

The presentation from the wards was given by Vicki Siberry one of our excellent team of nurses. It was clear from her talk that LATCH has been able to provide further enhancements and facilities to comfort and support our young patients during their treatment.

We were delighted to receive a highly informative presentation from Dr Cathy Morley – Jacob, senior oncologist consultant, focussing on developments and investments in medical care for patients and her gratitude to LATCH for the unique contribution it makes to the lives and experience of our patients and parents at a time of need, and in her own words ‘ long may this support continue’ and so it will!

Change can be daunting and a cause of anxiety, but I want to offer my personal assurance that with a new chair and Jade, our new general manager, the qualities, values and ethos that make LATCH so unique , will not be compromised. Our core purpose of supporting children and their families when they need it most is our key priority and the Board and the management team will continue to explore all opportunities to substantiate LATCH further, so it continues to deliver on our aims and objectives.

There is no doubt that all sectors, public private and voluntary, are facing economic and fiscal threats, to which no organisation is immune. However, with our encouraging financial basis coupled with a strong Corporate Plan and with the continued passion and commitment of all our medical and management teams and our volunteers, LATCH is well placed to navigate successfully through the current climate to support our families and our young patients.

I am very aware of the awesome task ahead, following in the footsteps of previous post holders in LATCH. I can assure you that I will do all in my power to ensure that LATCH remains secure and strong, as we move towards our 40th anniversary year. To this end, my intention is to meet with as many people and branches, associated with LATCH, in the next few months as I want to hear their views on what makes LATCH unique and what opportunities they would like explored further by the Board and the team.

Thank you for the warm welcome on Friday and I look forward to our future together.


Mrs SAE Gwyer-Roberts, DL

Chair of Trustees


Message from the General Manager

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone in attendance at the LATCH Annual General Meeting this past Friday and I would also like to take this opportunity to share how privileged I feel to be part of something so special.

I have worked at a number of different charities over the years, but have never worked with an organisation and staff that care so deeply about the people we support; and I have never before been in a position to support people that deserve an organisation like this, more than our LATCH families.

From those whom I’ve already met I’ve received a very warm welcome, and for those of you who I am yet to meet, please feel free to get in touch or do come and say hello as it is my intention to meet with all those who are connected to LATCH in the coming months. I’ve discovered that LATCH is a very warm and open place and it’s been a pleasure getting to know some of our families, patients and also our colleagues from across the Health Board.

Something I’ve been focussing on during my short time at LATCH is ensuring that I understand the service and the motivations behind everything that we do. Over the years LATCH has developed meaningful relationships with not only the people we support, but also with the Cardiff and Vale Health Board; with the consultants, nurses and others who work so closely with LATCH families. It is important that I reinforce these relationships, because our services feed into one another; without the Health Board, LATCH wouldn’t exist in the way it does today, and without LATCH, patients and their families wouldn’t receive such comprehensive services and support.

So I hope you’ll find it reassuring for me to say that our families are at the very core of everything we do as an organisation, and even though there have been a few changes and some new fresh faces, LATCH is led by what we can and should do for you, and that is something that will never change.


Jade Morgan

LATCH General Manager

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